160 million city (Zhengzhou) coupons! There are also CityOn vouchers that can be used simultaneously
160 million city (Zhengzhou) coupons! There are also CityOn vouchers that can be used simultaneously
The first step: Alipay search "Zhengzhou" to receive consumer coupons
The second step
Spent over ¥ 600 in CityOn could get one ¥ 100 vouchers, which can be used with city vouchers;
Activity time: April 28-May 5
CityOn members spend over 600 yuan (except for special products) and earn points
One 100 yuan voucher (including 1 50 yuan retail voucher + 150 yuan food voucher)
Nike AirForce1
Original price ¥ 799
✅ activity price ¥ 699
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